Lodgers and subletting

You must notify the Council of your intention to take in a lodger, and take the following steps:

  • Contact your Tenancy Management Officer
  • Provide details of the name, date of birth, tenancy reference and the date you wish your lodger to move in
  • If you give notice to terminate your tenancy, a lodger will not have the right to remain in the property and must vacate at the same time as you
  • If you receive Housing Benefit or Universal Credit and take in a lodger, you must notify the Housing Benefit Department or Universal Credit so that they can reassess your entitlement
  • Where deterioration of your home or any communal area is due to the neglect or default of your lodger, sub Tenant, or visitor, you must take the necessary steps as are reasonable for the removal of the lodger, sub tenant or visitor


You cannot sublet the whole of your property to another person. If you wish to sublet part of the property, you must first obtain the Council's written permission and put your request in writing giving names, address and date of birth(s) of the person(s) you wish to sublet part of your property to.