Apply for planning permission

If you are planning on developing within the Borough, or making alterations to your property, use the information below for help and guidance. This includes finding out if you need planning permission, and learning how to apply, current applications and previous decisions, relevant policy and guidance, and other information.

Find out if you need planning permission for household development, like conservatories, extensions, and outbuildings.

Apply for planning permission

Planning application fees

Calculate the planning application fee that you will need to pay.

What happens when I submit my application

The planning application system follows this process:

  • When a planning application is received by the Council, we check all the details submitted are correct and the application is valid
  • If it is valid, and conforms with our adopted Local Validation Checklist, we would contact neighbours and other interested parties, and they are given 21 days in which to comment on the planning application
  • Planning officer makes a site visit to assess the application and its impact on the surrounding area
  • We will negotiate with you or your agent if there are any issues
  • Recommendation is made of either approval, approval subject to conditions, or if approval is not possible; a refusal is made