Early intervention options to prevent homelessness

This is to help customers who are threatened with possible homelessness in advance of our statutory duty, which is owed 56 days prior to becoming homeless in our Borough.

  • Our friendly specialist team of Homelessness Prevention Officers work to prevent homelessness across all tenures working with both landlords considering serving a notice, or for tenants who are at risk of losing their tenancy. We recognise the importance of early intervention working with both the landlord and tenant to prevent homelessness and any subsequent potential eviction
  • Working with both landlords and tenants, we will look at helping to resolve any issues before a notice is even served, or in the early stages of an eviction notice with the aim being to sustain the tenancy where possible, and if required, assistance in finding alternative accommodation
  • We also recognise for landlords that eviction is often the last resort and is a costly process as well as a stressful time for both the landlord and tenant. We are committed to preventing homelessness at the earliest opportunity and we urge you to get in touch so that we can help with any tenancy related issues


This works alongside our existing Housing Solutions Team and could include the following but not exhaustive list of options:            

  • Support for landlords and tenants in what can be a very stressful period
  • Options given on the way forward and potential solutions for both parties
  • Rent arrears assistance through housing benefit services, Universal Credit, prevention funds and support agencies
  • Financial assessment of tenant’s income/expenditure to maximise income best and check affordability
  • Referrals and signposting to specialist services for more long-term support should the need be required
  • A mediation service between landlords and tenant
  • We will also look to work in conjunction with partnership agencies to provide additional support where needed

Contact details

To contact the project to see if we can assist, please email prevention@nuneatonandbedworth.gov.uk or call 024 7637 6406.

Homelessness prevention service flyer

Further details about the Homelessness prevention service.

Homelessness prevention service flyer