Customer experiences

Ryan and Sonia live in Warwickshire with their two guide dogs, terrier and tortoise. Both are registered blind. Sonia also has epilepsy.

Ryan and Sonia's story

They have lived together in their housing association home for over 10 years. Through HEART, they secured multiple interior and exterior adaptations to their home. These adaptations were facilitated by a designated occupational therapist, Rachel. 

As further needs were identified, further adaptations were made. Rachel liaised with Ryan and Sonia’s housing provider to make sure the necessary adaptations were installed.

The adaptations enabled both Ryan and Sonia to move around their home more safely. They also helped reduce the risk of Sonia being injured during an epileptic fit. Most significantly, they enabled Sonia to shower independently.

Prior to the installation of adaptations, Ryan and Sonia were ‘just managing’. Now they are living with greater independence in a safer environment.  View Ryan and Sonia's story on YouTube.