How do I use the noise app

You will need to have access to a smart phone or tablet. You will need access to the internet to download the app. Follow the steps below to download, register and start using the app:

  1. To download the app, go to the "App Store" for iPhone users or the "Play Store" for Android users.
  2. Search for "The Noise App" and click "Get" or "Install" to download the app
  3. Open the app and click on "Create an Account". Fill in your details
  4. Select your Service Provider. Your Service Provider is Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council
  5. Agree to the terms of service and click "Create Account". An email will be sent to your email address asking you to confirm your account.
  6. Once your account has been confirmed log in to the app on your phone. This will prompt you to enter your address and complete the registration process. Once your account has been confirmed you can then begin submitting reports

How do I use The Noise App?

  1. Record - To start recording, press and hold the microphone icon button at the bottom of the screen. You don't have to record the whole event - just a snapshot of the noise as it is happening. You can record up to 30 seconds and if you need to, you can make several recordings each one 30 seconds. While recording, you will see a wave form along with a timer that moves across the screen. When you remove your finger or thumb, the app stops recording. You can then accept, reject or playback the recording. Once accepted, you will then be prompted to provide more general information about the noise you are experiencing.
  2. Noise Source - What type of noise is it? Scroll and choose a source from the list
  3. Your Location - Where did you record the noise? Choose an area of your property from the list provided
  4. Intensity and commentary - Rate the noise in terms of how loud you consider it is. You can add commentary to say how the noise is affecting you. This information about how the noise affects you is very important so add as much information as possible.
  5. Source Address - Enter the address of where you think the noise is coming from. Please ensure you check the address is correct if you use the Google maps GPS function
  6. Confirmation - If you are happy with the information logged, on the confirmation screen press "Send Report". You'll receive a confirmation message saying that your entry has been sent. Your recording will then be placed into your diary. This will then be reviewed by your ASB Officer. In the activity screen, you will see a summary of all activity related to your recordings, and your ASB Officer. Both complainant and the ASB Officer can add comments. continued for.
  7. Record Again - Repeat the process as required. Continue to make recordings and entries for as long as the problem continues.

Please note your ASB Officer may share the information reported via The Noise App with the Environmental Health team at NBBC for investigation under the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Further information

Note: Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council cannot accept any liability for the content of websites managed and owned by third parties.