Borough Plan Monitoring

The Town and Country Planning (Brownfield Land Register) Regulations 2017 and the Town and Country Planning (Permission in Principle) Order 2017 require Local Planning Authorities to prepare, maintain and publish registers of previously developed (brownfield) land that is suitable for residential development.

Sites included in the register are those sites which have been assessed against the criteria in Regulation 4 of the 2017 Regulations. This includes sites with extant full and outline planning permission, as well as sites without planning permission, such as sites identified from the Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA).

The register can consist of two parts:

  • Part 1 is a list of all sites considered to be appropriate for residential development
  • Part 2 is made up of sites which have been taken forward from part 1 of the register and given a planning Permission in Principle. The Council has not, at the present time, proposed granting planning Permission in Principle for any sites included on the Brownfield Land Register

Brownfield land register

The latest version of our brownfield land register can be downloaded in accessible formats and shows individual sites or all sites. Inclusion on the register does not provide planning permission which can be gained through submitting a planning application. Whilst every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of information here, if an error has been made please do not hesitate to contact Planning Policy using the contact details below.

More information about brownfield land registers and Permission in Principle can be found on the Central Government website.

Authority Monitoring Reports 

Section 113 of the Localism Act 2011 requires Local Planning Authorities to produce Authority Monitoring Reports (previously called Annual Monitoring Reports) (AMRs). It is a statutory duty for Local Planning Authorities to monitor their own performance against the requirements adopted through their Borough Plan: Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Plan (2011-2031).

AMRs focus on the progression of the aspirations of the adopted Borough Plan (2011-2031), through effective monitoring and reporting. AMRs also examine the extent to which policies are achieved using relevant monitoring indicators.

Each AMR can be found on our monitoring reports documents page.

Five Year Land Supply

The Five Year Housing Land Supply position and supporting Housing Trajectory, as of 1st April 2024, are now available.