Smoke and carbon monoxide alarm policy

Most rented properties will have one or more smoke detectors and alarms, and some, especially newer homes with gas appliances may also have a carbon monoxide alarm.  Since 1st October 2015, new laws made this compulsory for tenancies from that date, and require alarms to be tested at the commencement of tenancies. Rooms with solid fuel burning appliances should also now have a Carbon Monoxide detector fitted, and each habitable floor of rented property should have a smoke detector.

Council staff are obliged to report and address circumstances where they suspect that certain rented accommodation does not have the necessary alarms, or they have not been tested (on commencement of tenancies from 1st October 2015) or are not working.

Further guidance is available from the Government.

Warwickshire Fire and Rescue Service have had a supply of alarms for free distribution, and in some cases will deliver or visit and fit.  Call them on 01926 423231 or look online for further information. You may also qualify for a free safe and well visit.

Landlord requirements 

Landlords initially get 28 days written notice to meet their alarm obligations, or challenge why they should not.

If they fail to do either, the Council MUST arrange directly for the works themselves, and can then recharge the landlord for the cost of those works plus a CIVIL PENALTY – like a fine.

In accordance with legal requirements, the Council have approved a statement of principles for a charging regime in regard to enforcement works ‘in default’ to provide smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.  

Please take time to read the policy for further guidance.

The minimum level of Civil Penalty starts at £1000, so landlords are well advised to get the necessary alarms fitted, tested and working. One smoke alarm on each occupied floor, one carbon monoxide detector in each room with a solid fuel burning appliance

We partner with North Warwickshire Borough Council to deliver a joint Private Sector Housing Service and undertake the service on their behalf.