Response in writing within 20 working days for smaller schemes (less than 10 dwellings, a proposed floor area of less than 1000m2 or a site area of less than 1ha)
Response in writing within 28 working days for larger schemes (a larger scheme is one which falls above the smaller schemes threshold)
Identification of the relevant site planning history
Identification of the key constraints affecting the site
Consideration of the context of the site and the potential issues/impacts across the site boundaries
Consultation with specialist colleagues, although external consultees may require an additional charge, and invitation for them to attend any meetings where appropriate
Where a planning obligation (Section 106 Legal Agreement) is likely to be required, we would seek to agree the content of such an agreement (Heads of Terms) prior to the submission of an application
Confirmation of what information/studies/reports etc. are likely to be required/ submitted with your application
Guidance on how best to undertake your pre-application public consultation where this is appropriate
An informal indication of the outcome of your proposed development, with an indication, where possible, of how it could be amended to improve the chances of a successful outcome