From 24 January 2025 a Public Space Protection Order (PSPO) will be introduced targeting anti-social behaviour.
Over the past year, there has been an increase in anti-social behaviour in Nuneaton and Bedworth town centres, with individuals and groups concealing their identities in order to intimidate and harass visitors.
The actions of these individuals has made it difficult for other people to use our public spaces comfortably and safely, which is something that will not be tolerated.
Forming part of the Council’s wider enforcement and engagement strategy to reduce anti-social behaviour and disrupt criminality in the borough towns, this Order aims to build back public confidence in the community.
The PSPO will allow Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council and Warwickshire Police to take robust action against those causing problems in marked areas of our town centres. This Order will not affect law-abiding citizens.
In addition to non-religious face coverings, the PSPO allows the issue of Fixed Penalty Notices of up to £100 against anyone riding bikes, scooters, or skateboards in a malicious or dangerous manner.
It will also allow for the dispersal of groups of three or more people who are acting antisocially.
Cllr Rob Roze, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Enforcement and Cllr Tim Jenkins, Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Communities and Health, said:
“This measure targets the small minority causing antisocial behaviour at the expense of the rest of the borough residents and will support local businesses and ensure residents and visitors enjoy safe public spaces in town centres.”
Councillor Nicola King, Portfolio holder for Business and Regeneration added:
“I fully welcome the introduction of this Order. We are determined to ensure that the public feel safe when visiting our town centres and are dedicated to working with Warwickshire Police to ensure that the individuals involved in committing anti-social behaviour are dealt with accordingly.
Inspector Ryan Walker of Nuneaton & Bedworth Safer Neighbourhood Team said:
“Our town centres should be the foundations of our communities, and over the years our communities have lost confidence in them.
“There is no good reason for people to wear masks in our town centres. There is no good reason for people to hurtle through on the backs of bikes and scooters, risking the safety of others. There is no good reason that groups of people should be intimidating others, spoiling their day in the town.
“This Public Space Protection Order, which is being brought into place by our local authority, is one big step in the right direction to tackle these issues and restore that confidence.
“It’s not the last step by any means, and we will continue working to make our town centres a good place for everyone to be.”
You can report anti-social behaviour using the Warwickshire Police web reporting tool or by calling 101. Always call 999 in an emergency.