- 19 February 2025: Cabinet
- 13 February 2025: Health and Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel
- 12 February 2025: Cabinet
- 6 February 2025: Business, Regeneration and Planning Overview and Scrutiny Panel
- 1 February 2025: Forward Plan
- 30 January 2025: Environment and Leisure Overview and Scrutiny Panel
- 28 January 2025: Shareholder Committee
- 23 January 2025: Housing and Communities Overview and Scrutiny Panel
- 21 January 2025: Audit and Standards Committee
- 17 January 2025: Simplification Pathfinder Board
- 16 January 2025: Delegated Authority by Officers
- 15 January 2025: Cabinet
- 14 January 2025: Planning Applications Committee
- 1 January 2025: Forward Plan
- 24 December 2024: Delegated Authority by Officers
- 19 December 2024: Delegated Authority by Officers
- 18 December 2024: Licensing Committee
- 17 December 2024: Planning Applications Committee
- 16 December 2024: Delegated Authority by Officers
- 12 December 2024: Officer Remuneration Panel