Football and cricket pitches

Nuneaton and Bedworth Borough Council provides a number of cricket wickets and football pitches. Football pitches ranging from 9v9 to adult size. Some are available with changing facilities and others can be hired as pitch only. 

Senior and intermediate football pitches have approved goal posts (do not forget to bring your own nets).


Football pitches are generally available from the first weekend in August for casual games and matches through to the end of April and cricket wickets from the beginning of May through to the end of August.

Everyone Active administer the bookings for all pitches via an online booking system. There is also a guide to completing the form.

Many of our users are affiliated to leagues; casual bookings can be made, although we will ask for evidence of Public Liability insurance to the value of £5m.

  • It is a condition of application that all teams accept the terms and conditions of hire
  • Park courteously around sites
  • Take your litter home or use the bins provided

Interested in joining a team

The following organisations can help you if you or your club are interested in joining a team or league: