The NBBC Landlord forum is open to private landlords, agents and agencies working within the private rented sector.
We are planning the next event for Wednesday, 5 February 2025.
- from 2pm to 4pm (arrive from 1:30pm)
If you are coming to the event, can you confirm by 17 January 2025, places will be in order of confirmation of attendance should we reach the meeting room's capacity.
- To confirm your place, email
The proposed agenda is:
- Modern day slavery awareness for landlords and agents by Nigel Oseman - Independent Modern Slavery Advocate: Modern slavery is a serious and often hidden crime, making it difficult to recognise and stop. It can happen to anyone, of any age, nationality, or gender. Raising awareness of the signs to look out for and the help that is available is crucial.
- National Residential Landlords Association (NRLA) update: Meet our new NRLA Regional Engagement Executive Alana Davies who will talk about the Renters Rights Bill in what will be the biggest change to the rented sector in 30 years.
- NBBC Private Sector Housing Team: The team will give an update on current energy schemes and answer any questions relating to their service.
- Q&A / Networking opportunity: Time permitting there should be an opportunity before and after the event.